

Search engine

Web crawling



Java Search Engine

a search engine that crawls, indexes, and ranks web pages using Java

A search engine is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly find relevant information on the internet. In this project, you will build a search engine using Java that crawls and indexes web pages, allowing users to search for specific terms and retrieve relevant results.

Build a Java-based Search Engine


  • A way to crawl the web and retrieve web pages for indexing
  • A way to index web pages, storing relevant information for later searching
  • A way to rank search results based on relevance and importance
  • A user interface for performing searches and displaying results


  • Can you implement advanced search features like synonym matching or stemming?
  • Can you optimize the search engine for performance and scalability?
  • Can you integrate the search engine with other tools or platforms (e.g. API, cloud)?


To build a search engine in Java, you can start by setting up a basic web crawler using a library like JSoup. You can then implement an indexing system to store relevant information about the web pages you crawl, such as the page's content, links, and metadata. To rank search results, you can use a combination of techniques like keyword matching, page rank, and content analysis. Finally, you can build a user interface using a tool like JavaFX or Swing to allow users to perform searches and view results.

Here is some sample code to get you started with a basic web crawler using JSoup:

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;

public class WebCrawler {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      // retrieve web page
      Document doc = Jsoup.connect("").get();
      // print page content
    } catch (IOException e) {

This code retrieves a web page using JSoup and prints its content to the console. You can then build on this foundation by implementing the indexing and ranking systems, as well as the user interface for performing searches and displaying results.